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Past Board Meetings


Present: Laura Alexander, Lou B., Lindsie Miller, Russ Petro, Dean Valentine, Rich Zielinski


I.                    Call to Order -  Lou called meeting to order at 7:32 pm

II.                  Approval of February Meeting Minutes- Dean moves to approve minutes, Russ seconds, passes 4-0

III.                President’s Report

A.            2008 Audit

1)             Should be receiving audit results in the next month

B.            2009 Insurance

1)             Passed motion via email to ratify Meisirow as new Insurance agency, Lou motions and Russ seconds, carries 4-0

C.            Rental Occupancy Update

1)             Lou proposes to call a vote and then work to make changes to the handbook to address the background check policy for renters- Vote on 5/20 for office vote, Lou motions, Russ seconds, carries, 4-0

D.            Enterprise Lawsuit Update

1)             Seeking monetary settlement to repair balconies, seal the garage floor and several other minor expenses.  Suit is available in the management office

E.            Critical Façade Inspection

1)             BTC provided a schedule of repairs but not an estimate to cover required changes and then a separate one for recommended repairs, Laura to obtain bid proposals for June meeting

F.            Landscaping Proposals

1)             Clarence David & Co = $4500for sod replacement + $5200 for flowers under overhang

2)             Laura to follow up with contractor for a fence estimate

IV.                Treasurer’s Report

V.                  Management Report

A.            Generator Repair

B.            Steam cleaned all the carpeting

C.            Quarterly cleaning of lobby floor

D.            Wood panel in elevator maintained

E.            Unit owners need to submit their proof of insurance to the Management office when it expires or a fine will be levied

F.            Lock outs are NOT an emergency, the building engineer or property manager can be reached via the buzzer in the front lobby

G.           Association insurance is on website if you are refinancing or selling your home

H.            Make sure your assessment is going to the correct PO Box

I.              Window washing will happen in May

J.             Re-sodding will happen shortly

K.            Water on the balconies on the 14th floor

VI.                New Business

A.            Comcast Cable for Exercise Room

1)             Lou moves, Dean seconds, passes 4-0

B.            Board looking at a bulk package for internet and cable from AT&T

C.            Lou announces resignation, Russ to temporarily fill President’s role, Board to appoint someone to fill position until elections in November

D.            Next meeting: June 17, 2009


E.            Adjourn at 8:32pm


Submitted by: Lindsie Miller

                        Board Secretary


Museum Park Lofts I Condominium Association

Board Meeting Minutes – 4/15/2009